DESIGN MAD DOG DSM GRILLAGE AND SEAFASTENINGProject SummaryFor the transportation of the BP MAD DOG drilling support module (DSM) from Malaysia to the US Gulf, a custom grillage was
designed. This grillage supported the 2,400 t heavy module at its strong points and guided the loads into the heavy-lift vessel deck
structure. After setting the module onto its grillage supports, it was seafastened to these supports, using simple brackets. The height
of the support was dictated by the offloading method, which was a roll-off operation, using multi-wheel trailers. In mid December 2003,
the module was successfully loaded and secured onto the heavy-lift ship TEAL.
Argonautics Marine Engineering, Inc. became involved in the design of the grillage only shortly before the load-out. All design
drawings and supporting calculations were delivered on time and within budget.
Scope of WorkThe project scope included:
Project PhotographsPhotographs courtesy of Pride International.
■ | Design of the support structures, based on the design loads, vessel deck structure, and height requirements;
■ | Design of the lift-on guides;
■ | Design of the seafastening brackets;
■ | Provide deck lay-out drawings.